納斯卡古文明 驚奇祕魯 六天 四人成行 天天出團
DAY1.原居地Home – 利馬Lima (祕魯)
Depart to Peru , after arrive Lima Airport. reception and transfer to the selected hotel and overnight.
DAY2.利馬LIMA - 帕拉卡斯PARACAS - 納斯卡線西班牙語:Líneas de Nazca
驅車前往祕魯著名的度假勝地 帕拉卡斯PARACAS,親臨南美洲沙漠地區,在民族度假村內享用當地美食佳餚,欣賞特殊風景,體驗祕魯古國的另一種民俗風情。前往納斯卡沙漠搭乘小飛機鳥瞰沙漠上的世界遺產,親眼目睹神秘的納斯卡大地畫,學者認為納斯卡線是納斯卡文明於400年至650年所創造了巨大地面圖形,位在秘魯的納斯卡鎮與帕爾帕市之間。在1939年由美國考古學家保羅·柯索發現在納斯卡文明中,雖然有些地方的人體石刻是以帕拉卡作為主題,但也有數以百計的個別圖形,出自簡單的綫條,以複雜排列構成魚類、螺旋形、藻類、兀鷲、蜘蛛、花、鬣蜥、鷺、手、樹木、蜂鳥、猴子和蜥蜴。
After an early breakfast, there is a scheduled transfer from the hotel, drive to Lima airport to take the flight to Cusco. Upon arrival in Cusco, reception and transfer to the selected hotel.
DAY4. 庫斯科COSCO - 馬丘比丘Machu Picchu
After an early breakfast, starts a full day excursion to visit Machu Picchu the most important archaeological site in Peru. The citadel is located 113 Km (70 miles northwest of Cusco.) The tour starts with an early transfer to the railway station for the morning train ride to Aguas Calientes for about three-and-a-half hours. Then, continues with a 20 minute bus ride up to the archaeological site for a guided tour. Rediscovered by Hiram Bingham in 1911, Machu Picchu is considered an absolute masterpiece of architecture and a unique testimony of the Inca civilization. At the scheduled time, return to Cusco and transfer to the hotel. Lunch is not included.
DAY5. 庫斯科(CUSCO)- 利馬 (LIMA)
早餐後前往庫斯科機場搭機秘魯的首都利馬LIMA,抵達後展開利馬市區觀光行程:參觀聖馬丁廣場、武器廣場、總統府、主教堂、商業步行街。前往利馬海濱景點、地畫公園、愛情公園、LARCO MAR 休閒娛樂中心、到富有民間手工藝品色彩的市場購物。
After an early breakfast, there is a scheduled transfer from the hotel to the airport to take the flight to Lima. Upon arriving at Lima, there is a reception and transfer to the hotel.
At the scheduled time there is a tour of the city of Lima begins with the historic downtown that was recently declared by UNESCO as a "World Heritage Site" because of its numerous architectural buildings. This represents the strong European Middle Age influence. Important buildings to visit are the Government Palace or “Casa de Pizarro”, the Municipal Palace, Lima’s Cathedral, San Francisco church and convent with valuable works of art and stone and wooden structures and balconies of colonial houses. We will also appreciate “Huaca Pucllana”: a magnificent ceremonial and administrative centre from Lima Culture. The tour ends with a visit to the modern suburbs of San Isidro, and Miraflores. San Isidro has modern apartment buildings and beautiful parks such as El Olivar with olive's trees brought from Spain in the 16th century and finally Miraflores with its Central Park and Larcomar Shopping Center that overlooks the Pacific Ocean.
DAY6.利馬LIMA- 洛杉磯 LAX
After breakfast, a scheduled transfer from the hotel to the airport for the return flight to LA。
DAY1.原居地Home – 利馬Lima (祕魯)
Depart to Peru , after arrive Lima Airport. reception and transfer to the selected hotel and overnight.
DAY2.利馬LIMA - 帕拉卡斯PARACAS - 納斯卡線西班牙語:Líneas de Nazca
驅車前往祕魯著名的度假勝地 帕拉卡斯PARACAS,親臨南美洲沙漠地區,在民族度假村內享用當地美食佳餚,欣賞特殊風景,體驗祕魯古國的另一種民俗風情。前往納斯卡沙漠搭乘小飛機鳥瞰沙漠上的世界遺產,親眼目睹神秘的納斯卡大地畫,學者認為納斯卡線是納斯卡文明於400年至650年所創造了巨大地面圖形,位在秘魯的納斯卡鎮與帕爾帕市之間。在1939年由美國考古學家保羅·柯索發現在納斯卡文明中,雖然有些地方的人體石刻是以帕拉卡作為主題,但也有數以百計的個別圖形,出自簡單的綫條,以複雜排列構成魚類、螺旋形、藻類、兀鷲、蜘蛛、花、鬣蜥、鷺、手、樹木、蜂鳥、猴子和蜥蜴。
After an early breakfast, there is a scheduled transfer from the hotel, drive to Lima airport to take the flight to Cusco. Upon arrival in Cusco, reception and transfer to the selected hotel.
DAY4. 庫斯科COSCO - 馬丘比丘Machu Picchu
After an early breakfast, starts a full day excursion to visit Machu Picchu the most important archaeological site in Peru. The citadel is located 113 Km (70 miles northwest of Cusco.) The tour starts with an early transfer to the railway station for the morning train ride to Aguas Calientes for about three-and-a-half hours. Then, continues with a 20 minute bus ride up to the archaeological site for a guided tour. Rediscovered by Hiram Bingham in 1911, Machu Picchu is considered an absolute masterpiece of architecture and a unique testimony of the Inca civilization. At the scheduled time, return to Cusco and transfer to the hotel. Lunch is not included.
DAY5. 庫斯科(CUSCO)- 利馬 (LIMA)
早餐後前往庫斯科機場搭機秘魯的首都利馬LIMA,抵達後展開利馬市區觀光行程:參觀聖馬丁廣場、武器廣場、總統府、主教堂、商業步行街。前往利馬海濱景點、地畫公園、愛情公園、LARCO MAR 休閒娛樂中心、到富有民間手工藝品色彩的市場購物。
After an early breakfast, there is a scheduled transfer from the hotel to the airport to take the flight to Lima. Upon arriving at Lima, there is a reception and transfer to the hotel.
At the scheduled time there is a tour of the city of Lima begins with the historic downtown that was recently declared by UNESCO as a "World Heritage Site" because of its numerous architectural buildings. This represents the strong European Middle Age influence. Important buildings to visit are the Government Palace or “Casa de Pizarro”, the Municipal Palace, Lima’s Cathedral, San Francisco church and convent with valuable works of art and stone and wooden structures and balconies of colonial houses. We will also appreciate “Huaca Pucllana”: a magnificent ceremonial and administrative centre from Lima Culture. The tour ends with a visit to the modern suburbs of San Isidro, and Miraflores. San Isidro has modern apartment buildings and beautiful parks such as El Olivar with olive's trees brought from Spain in the 16th century and finally Miraflores with its Central Park and Larcomar Shopping Center that overlooks the Pacific Ocean.
DAY6.利馬LIMA- 洛杉磯 LAX
After breakfast, a scheduled transfer from the hotel to the airport for the return flight to LA。
祕魯 報名須知及團費說明
A. 報名
【出發日期:天天出團四人成行 】
B. 機票
A. 報名
【出發日期:天天出團四人成行 】
- 報名時請提供以下資料: 報名表、護照影印本一份,可直接手機照相傳至主辦單位電子信箱。
- 團費請於報名後48小時內以支票或匯款方式繳清。如使用信用卡,需另加銀行手續費4%。
- Check payee: Goodly Travel International
- 郵寄至: 20955 Pathfinder Road,Suite 100 Diamond Bar CA 91765
- 護照以出發日起計算,需有效七個月或以上(210天以上)。
- 當您繳付團費時,即表示旅遊契約產生效力,主辦單位將依各協力商之要求,為您預付此趟旅程的住宿、景點門票等相關費用。
- 行程景點亦可能按當地氣候環境有所調整。
B. 機票
- 自行購買機票者,飛機抵達日須配合團體抵達日期及時間。
- 訂購機票者,無法退票。若改期,須由旅客自付改票罰款、手續費及票差(以實際更改時所訂之新票價的價差為準)。
- 團體行程內容所標示之交通、住宿、飯店、門票。
- 團員以2人一房為原則。
- 護照、簽證費:請自行負責申請(護照有效期限須超過七個月以上)。
- 個人消費、行李小費、購物、行程以外的自由參加費用、額外餐飲、轉機中餐飲。
- 行李超出或超重費(屬私人開銷)。航班托運期間的造成損壞的經濟損失和責任。
- 行李相關規範需依照購票時之各家航空公司規定為準。
- 單人房費。單人房每晚另加USD$80.+ (確切房價須於報名時確定)。
- 因氣候或飛機、車輛、船隻等交通工具發生故障導致時間延誤或行程更改引起的經濟損失和責任。
- 因個人因素,交通延期或其他不能控制之因素所導致額外費用。
- 地導及司機小費。
- 旅遊平安保險需自行購買。
- 出發日期前30天(含)及以上,須收取團費的10%預定費用。
- 出發日期前20天(含)及以內,團費退款50%。
- 出發日期前10天(含)及以內,恕不退費。
- 機票一旦出票,恕不退費。
- 如您未在約定的時間地點參加行程,視為自動放棄,將收取全款。