嘉美自成立以來,一直為旅行者提供變革的方式來一場親身體驗聖經的機會,這種方式開啟了旅行者內心深處的心靈並吸引他們。 人們一直遵循這世界的生活原則,日復一日接受世界的熬煉。為了激發人們對上帝和祂的話語的熱情,我們的創始人開始提供穿越聖地的導遊,這些行程能讓弟兄姊妹或慕道友真實地跟隨耶穌的腳步, 走訪祂的一生所到之地.由聖靈帶領您經歷: 包括門徒彼得,使徒保羅以及初期教會領導人的宣教牧養旅程。 在經歷這一系列獨特的旅程中, 必將得到活潑的生命價值,為您留下美好的回憶。
我們竭誠地邀請您加入我們行列,基督徒與慕道友,16歲或以上的家人和朋友,通過聖經地理學習團契,您將體驗到改變生活的旅程,因為您將站在聖經裡曾出現的地點,完全沉浸在令人嘆為觀止的文化景觀之中! 當你踏上聖地,經過親身體驗的旅程,此後聖經將以你從未想過的方式活躍起來; 這將永遠改變未來你的禱告生活及對聖經的理解。深入聖地,在踏足聖經地理的過程中你會發現隱藏在舊約中的新約,沿途學習會看見在新約中被彰顯出來的舊約。
我們提供最好的旅行體驗。 我們組織整體旅行細節,您可以全心領受資深牧師的聖地研習,享受旅行團領隊的貼心安排及當地導遊的深度講解。
願大家共同領受 上帝的祝福
Goodly Travel has always provided travelers the opportunity to experience the Bible’s teaching through traveling. This method can greatly affect the travelers’ mentalities and thinking. People have always followed the rules of this world, experiencing trials and challenges day after day. To rekindle the people’s passion toward God and his words, the founder of the company begins to provide tour in the Holy Land. Through the pilgrimage, the tourist can follow the footsteps of Jesus Christ, Peter, Paul, and other disciples. Goodly Travel provides unique tour to help you create wonderful memories. We cooperate with church and provide support with the aim to improve the customers’ quality of life. Dear friends, have you ever tried to find some peace amid laborious tasks, letting yourselves out of your busy cubicles? Isn’t finding time to relax from work a kind of blessing? There is time for everything and everyone under the sun and it is time for a vacation that relaxes and fulfills your weary body, mind, and spirits. Goodly Travel will prepare the best customized vacation schedule to fulfill your desires without being chained to the existing products in the market. Goodly Travel exists for the purpose of helping the clients to find the best vacation experience.
We cordially invite you to join us, Christian and catechumen, family and friends, 16 or older. With Bible Study Fellowship, you will experience a life-transforming journey as you are immersed in the culture, and breathtaking landscapes of the Holy Land! The Bible will come alive in ways you never thought possible; and your daily prayer life, and understanding of Scripture will be forever changed. We provide the best travel experience. As we organizes tour details, you can enjoy high-classes theological teaching and hospitality by the pastor, trip leaders and local guide.
Service Content
Professionalism and Attentiveness are our promise to you.
We have experienced, professional vacation planners and tour guides to prepare the perfect customized vacation plan. Goodly Travel starts with the purpose of spreading the Gospel, helping various Christian organizations organizing the Holy Land retreat, and planning customized pilgrimage. The company provides individual/group airplane tickets, hotel reservation, and local shuttle services. We also provide customized tour guidebook and GPS.
Goodly Travel needs your affirmation and support. We also anticipate your participation in helping us providing the best travel experiences and memories of a lifetime.
嘉美自成立以來,一直為旅行者提供變革的方式來一場親身體驗聖經的機會,這種方式開啟了旅行者內心深處的心靈並吸引他們。 人們一直遵循這世界的生活原則,日復一日接受世界的熬煉。為了激發人們對上帝和祂的話語的熱情,我們的創始人開始提供穿越聖地的導遊,這些行程能讓弟兄姊妹或慕道友真實地跟隨耶穌的腳步, 走訪祂的一生所到之地.由聖靈帶領您經歷: 包括門徒彼得,使徒保羅以及初期教會領導人的宣教牧養旅程。 在經歷這一系列獨特的旅程中, 必將得到活潑的生命價值,為您留下美好的回憶。
我們竭誠地邀請您加入我們行列,基督徒與慕道友,16歲或以上的家人和朋友,通過聖經地理學習團契,您將體驗到改變生活的旅程,因為您將站在聖經裡曾出現的地點,完全沉浸在令人嘆為觀止的文化景觀之中! 當你踏上聖地,經過親身體驗的旅程,此後聖經將以你從未想過的方式活躍起來; 這將永遠改變未來你的禱告生活及對聖經的理解。深入聖地,在踏足聖經地理的過程中你會發現隱藏在舊約中的新約,沿途學習會看見在新約中被彰顯出來的舊約。
我們提供最好的旅行體驗。 我們組織整體旅行細節,您可以全心領受資深牧師的聖地研習,享受旅行團領隊的貼心安排及當地導遊的深度講解。
願大家共同領受 上帝的祝福
Goodly Travel has always provided travelers the opportunity to experience the Bible’s teaching through traveling. This method can greatly affect the travelers’ mentalities and thinking. People have always followed the rules of this world, experiencing trials and challenges day after day. To rekindle the people’s passion toward God and his words, the founder of the company begins to provide tour in the Holy Land. Through the pilgrimage, the tourist can follow the footsteps of Jesus Christ, Peter, Paul, and other disciples. Goodly Travel provides unique tour to help you create wonderful memories. We cooperate with church and provide support with the aim to improve the customers’ quality of life. Dear friends, have you ever tried to find some peace amid laborious tasks, letting yourselves out of your busy cubicles? Isn’t finding time to relax from work a kind of blessing? There is time for everything and everyone under the sun and it is time for a vacation that relaxes and fulfills your weary body, mind, and spirits. Goodly Travel will prepare the best customized vacation schedule to fulfill your desires without being chained to the existing products in the market. Goodly Travel exists for the purpose of helping the clients to find the best vacation experience.
We cordially invite you to join us, Christian and catechumen, family and friends, 16 or older. With Bible Study Fellowship, you will experience a life-transforming journey as you are immersed in the culture, and breathtaking landscapes of the Holy Land! The Bible will come alive in ways you never thought possible; and your daily prayer life, and understanding of Scripture will be forever changed. We provide the best travel experience. As we organizes tour details, you can enjoy high-classes theological teaching and hospitality by the pastor, trip leaders and local guide.
Service Content
Professionalism and Attentiveness are our promise to you.
We have experienced, professional vacation planners and tour guides to prepare the perfect customized vacation plan. Goodly Travel starts with the purpose of spreading the Gospel, helping various Christian organizations organizing the Holy Land retreat, and planning customized pilgrimage. The company provides individual/group airplane tickets, hotel reservation, and local shuttle services. We also provide customized tour guidebook and GPS.
Goodly Travel needs your affirmation and support. We also anticipate your participation in helping us providing the best travel experiences and memories of a lifetime.

Goodly journey begin with ticket !
宣教機票, 商務機票,十人以上團體機票
請洽詢 Phoebe Wu
Phone: 1(626)321-2009
Email: [email protected]
LINE: phoebefywu
WeChat: phoebe3212009
宣教機票, 商務機票,十人以上團體機票
請洽詢 Phoebe Wu
Phone: 1(626)321-2009
Email: [email protected]
LINE: phoebefywu
WeChat: phoebe3212009